What does a git rebase do?


git rebase

Git is an essential tool for version control, allowing developers to efficiently manage their codebase. One of the most influential and versatile features in Git is the 'rebase' command. In this blog post, we will delve into the Git rebase command, exploring why it's essential, and how to use it safely to streamline your workflow.


Why Use Git Rebase?

Git rebase is a critical command that helps maintain a clean and linear history in your Git repository. Unlike the 'merge' command, which creates a new merge commit, 'rebase' integrates changes by moving or applying them directly onto a different branch's commit history. Here are some compelling reasons to use 'rebase' in your Git workflow: 

1. Maintaining a Clean History: Rebase allows you to rewrite the commit history, removing unnecessary merge commits. This results in a cleaner, more readable history that is easier to follow.

2. Squashing Commits: With rebase, you can combine multiple small, related commits into a single, meaningful commit. This helps reduce clutter in your history and improves code review.

3. Interactive Rebasing: Git rebase offers an interactive mode to reorder, edit, or drop commits. This gives you fine-grained control over your commit history.

4. Syncing with Upstream: When working with a shared repository, 'rebase' is an excellent way to incorporate upstream changes into your branch without creating unnecessary merge commits.

Now that you understand why 'rebase' is crucial let's explore how to use it safely.

How to Rebase Safely?

To synchronize the local branch with the master branch on GitLab, there are a series of steps that can be followed:

1. Create your backup: Firstly, ensuring that you are positioned within the desired branch to rebase is important. This can be achieved by utilizing the `git checkout` command as shown below:

   git checkout your-local-branch


*Note- Before starting any rebase operation, ensure your working directory is clean. Either commit your changes or stash them in a safe place.

   git stash save "MY Changes"
   git commit -m "My changes"

2. Acquire the most recent updates: Before embarking on the rebase process, obtaining the most up-to-date modifications from the remote repository is good practice. This guarantees that you possess the most accurate information concerning the master branch.

   git fetch origin

3. Rebase your local branch: Following receipt of the latest changes, you can rebase your local branch onto the designated master branch. The following command is used for this purpose:

   git rebase origin/master 

4. Resolve conflicts (if any): If Git encounters conflicts during the rebase process, it will pause and allow you to resolve them. Use a code editor or a Git tool to resolve conflicts manually. Once resolved, add these files to the staging area with the `git add` command.

   git rebase --continue

This procedure should be repeated for each instance of conflict identified until all deviations have been harmonized successfully.

4.1. Finish the rebase: Once you've successfully rebased your branch. Just type

   git rebase --skip

to complete the process.

5. Push the Rebased Branch: Once you've successfully rebased your branch, push it to the remote repository.

   git push origin your-local-branch --force


The Git rebase command is a powerful tool for maintaining a clean and organized Git history. By using it wisely, following best practices, and stashing or committing your changes beforehand, you can enhance collaboration, simplify code review, and ensure your project's history remains easy to understand. Incorporate rebase into your Git workflow, and you'll be on your way to becoming a Git pro.

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